Truck Archives - Kara Wed, 19 Jul 2023 12:46:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 230790280 Proposal Wring Workshop. Wed, 19 Jul 2023 12:46:09 +0000 At vero eos et accusamus et iustoodio digni goikussimos ducimus qui blanp ditiis praesum voluum.

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Proposal Writing Workshop

For His/her active and invaluable participation during the conduct of the Five Day Proposal Writing Workshop held 16-20 July 2023 at Kara Organization

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Monitoring and Evaluation Seminar. Sun, 28 May 2023 14:00:00 +0000 Kara is honored to have the first Monitoring and Evaluation Seminar for empowering entrepreneurs and youths in Kabul.

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Kara is honored to have the first Monitoring and Evaluation Seminar for empowering entrepreneurs and youths in Kabul.
The Program was instructed by Mr. Mohammad Jawed Puzhohesh a Master trainer. Who had obtained his Master’s degree in Japan? The program started with a nice introduction from Mr. Mohammad Jawed Pozhohesh and the participants, where everyone got to know each other, after that the Kara Profile was presented by Ramzjo and every participant got a clear understanding of Kara Organization and its activities.
The Seminar covered the fundamental knowledge of Monitoring and Evaluation in Business and Projects and the following topics were discussed:
What is M&E?
General view of M&E
Differences between Monitoring and Evaluation
How to implement M&E
What is a good indicator?
Project Cycle of M&E
Evaluation Techniques
The participants were welcomed to share their own experiences of how they used to implement Monitoring and Evaluation in their programs.
As Kara’s vision is to promote the interests, basic rights, and dignity of the Afghan people, we will have our upcoming programs each week based on the needs of society. And we always contribute our efforts to holding seminars that are helpful for the future leaders of this country.

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Maamel-e-sheren Exhibition Fri, 12 Aug 2022 02:33:00 +0000 Enthusiastic reception of young people to the "Maamele sheren" campaign and promotion of reading culture.

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Enthusiastic reception of young people to the “Maamele sheren” campaign and promotion of reading culture.

Kara Organization , in line with its previous activities, on Saturday, the 20th of this year, held a special program “Maamele Sheren”  on the occasion of World Literacy Day in Kabul city.  This program, which was accompanied by the presence of students, elite youth, educators and media, was warmly welcomed by the participants.

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